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subscripts, and the variables in
M BD as y 's, possibly with subscripts. Initialize
S AB and S BD to be the empty sets. Assume that the SOtgd in
M AB is
x 1 A, 1 ψ B, 1 ) ∧···∧
x n A,n ψ B,n ) .
For 1
ψ B,i into S AB if these implications
are not ground formulas. We do likewise for
n , put the n implications φ A,i
M BD and S BD .If S AB =∅
S BD =∅
and go to step 5.
Each implication χ in S AB has the form φ A,i ( x i )
then set S BD ={
r }
⇒∧ 1 j k r j ( t j ) where ev-
ery member of x i is a universally quantified variable, and each t j ,for1
k ,
is a sequence (tuple) of terms over x i . We then replace each such implication χ
in S AB with k implications φ A,i ( x i )
r 1 ( t 1 ),...,φ A,i ( x i )
r k ( t k ) .
In all implications in S BD replace all equations (f r i ( t i )
1 ) with r i A
the left-hand sides by the atoms r i ( t i ) .
2. ( Compose S AB with S BD )
Repeat the following as far as possible:
For each implication χ in S BD of the form ϕ
ψ D where there is an atom r( y )
in ϕ , we perform the following steps to (possibly) replace r( y ) with atoms over
. (The part of formula ϕ composed of built-in predicates .
,>,<,... is left
unchanged). Let φ 1 r( t 1 ),...,φ l r( t l ) be all the implications in S AB whose
right-hand side is an atom with the relational symbol r . For each such implication
φ i r( t i ) , rename the variables in this implication so that they do not overlap
with the variables in χ . (In fact, every time we compose this implication, we take
a fresh copy of the implication, with new variables.) Let θ i be the conjunction
of the equalities between the variables in r( y ) and the corresponding terms in
r( t i ) , position by position. For example, the conjunction of equalities, position
by position, between r(y 1 ,y 2 ,y 3 ) and r(x 1 ,f 2 (x 2 ),f 1 (x 3 )) is (y 1
x 1 )
(y 2
f 2 (x 2 ))
(y 3
f 1 (x 3 )) . Observe that every equality that is generated has the
M BD and t is a term based on variables in
M BD and on functions in the tuple f . Remove χ from S BD and add l implications
to S BD as follows: replace r( y ) in χ with φ i
form y
t where y is a variable in
θ i and add the resulting implication
l .
3. ( Remove the variables originally in
to S BD ,for1
M BD )
For each implication χ constructed in the previous step, perform the elimination
of the variables y i from
M BD as far as possible: Select an equality y i
t that
was generated in the previous step (thus y i is a variable in
M BD and t is a term
based on variables in
M AB and on f ). Remove the equality y i
t from χ and
replace every remaining occurrence of y i in χ by t .
4. ( Remove remained atoms with relational symbols in
For the implications in S BD repeat the following, in order to eliminate all rela-
tional symbols (on the left-hand side of implications) that are not in
that are not in
For each χ in S BD such that its left-hand side is equal to a conjunction φ 1 ( x ) (that
contains only the relational symbols in
and the equations with functional sym-
bols) and φ 2 ( x ,y 1 ,...,y k ) (with x a subset of x ) that contains only the atoms
with relational symbols that are not in
, we modify φ 2 from the left-hand side
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