Database Reference
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3. ( Construct SOtgd)
If S AB ={
is the set, where χ 1 ,...,χ n are all the implications from
the previous step, then SOtgd is the formula
χ 1 ,...,χ n }
x n χ n , where the
variables in x i are all the variables found in the implication χ i ,for1
x 1 χ 1 ∧···∧∀
n .
Return the SOtgd
x 1 χ 1 ∧···∧∀
x n χ n .
Example 4
Let us consider Example 2 with the relation Student (x 1 ,x 2 ) in the
and introduce the primary-key integrity constraint for the attribute x 1 (i.e.,
the student's id) of this relation Student , expressed by the following egd:
x 3 Student (x 1 ,x 2 )
Student (x 1 ,x 3 )
x 3 ) ,
(x 2 .
x 1
x 2
( y .
i.e., the egd
x A ( x )
z )) with x
(x 1 ,x 2 ,x 3 ) , y
x 2 , z
x 3 where φ A ( x )
is the conjunctive formula Student (x 1 ,x 2 )
Student (x 1 ,x 3 ) .
x 3 Student (x 1 ,x 2 )
Student (x 1 ,x 3 )
x 1
x 2
x 3 )
(x 2 .
x 3 Student (x 1 ,x 2 )
x 1
x 2
x 3 )
( 0 , 1 ) .
Student (x 1 ,x 3 )
(x 2 =
New Algorithm for General Composition of SOtgds
First of all, we have to specify what is an atomic (or basic) schema mapping in
our framework, so that we can use them in the process of composition of other
(composed) mappings. We will use only these atomic mappings in order to define
a database mapping graphs G
(V G ,E G ) where the vertices (or nodes) in V G are
the database schemas and the directed edges in E G are the atomic mappings. The
mappings obtained by the composition of two consecutive directed edges of this
mapping graph are called composed mappings and hence, in what follows, we will
define a new algorithm for this composition.
Definition 7 An atomic mapping is:
1. An inter-schema mapping
where an SOtgd Φ is obtained
by the algorithm TgdsToSOtgd for a given set S of tgds from a source schema
M AB ={
}: A B
2. An integrity-constraints mapping
to the target database schema
where Φ is ob-
tained by the algorithm EgdsToSOtgd for the set of egds Σ egd
M AA ={
}: A A
and Ψ is ob-
tained by the algorithm TgdToConSOtgd for the set Σ tgd
of tgd-constraints of a
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