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, i.e., the excluded middle is valid and hence the
closure in the topological space is a model of CPC and not of IPC .
Consequently, it is natural to consider the subclass of infinite Heyting algebras
HA DB in order to examine their intuitionistic properties (because we obtained
by Lemma 26 that the subset of finite Heyting algebras in
HA DB corresponds to
CPC ).
Let us show that indeed the class of Heyting algebras for databases
HA DB in
Definition 64 (where for each dom , L alg = (Ob DB sk , , , , , ¬ ) HA DB ),
that is, its WMTL logic is not CPL (standard propositional) but intuitionistic (or
strictly an intermediate) logic:
Theorem 19
The WMTL does not satisfy the “excluded middle” axiom of CPL .
Proof We have to show that the excluded middle axiom 12, φ
φ (see Sect. 1.2
in the introduction), does not hold in WMTL, that is, there exists a Heyting algebra
in the class
HA DB with B
Υ .
By Definition 31 in Sect. 5.1 of Σ R (SPJRU) algebra, for a given set of vari-
ables (relational symbols) X , the set of terms with variables
Ob DB sk
such that B
T P X of this algebra
is defined inductively, thus finitely, by the set of its basic finitary operators. Thus,
in Sect. 5.1.1 , it is shown that for each database instance A , the database TA is
obtained by a unique surjective mapping α # : T P X
TA , and the following initial
algebra commutative diagram
where α
: A
TA defines this particular database instance A of a schema
with the set of relational symbols in X .
Let us consider an infinite universe of values
U =
SK , with an infinite
α (
with unary relational symbols, so that A
R i =
α(r i )
d i }|
d i U }=
(from Lemma 23 )
J Υ .
Let us consider the closed object B
J Υ ) , so that TB is the set
of all finite relations (because
T P X is an infinite set of all finite-length terms of
SPJRU algebra, by considering that in Σ R we have an infinite set of u na ry 'select'
operations “_ WHERE C i ” for the conditions C i equal to “ name
d i ” for each
distinct d i U
Let us show that the “excluded-middle” axiom does not hold for the Heyting
algebra with this infinite universe
, ¬
, ¬
L alg =
(Ob DB sk ,
(Ob DB sk ,
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