Database Reference
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TA is a type of computations (i.e. observations of the object of values A (of a
type A ), which are the views of the database A ).
η A is the inclusion of values into computations (i.e., inclusion of elements of
the database A into the set of views of the database A ). It is an isomorphism
η A =
is A :
TA in the DB category.
f is the equivalent extension of a database mapping f
TB “from values
to computations” (programs correspond to call-by-value parameter passing) to a
mapping “from computations to computations” (programs correspond to call-by-
name) such that f = Tf = f η A = f
is A and, consequently, f f . Thus,
in the DB category, the call-by-value ( f : A −→ TB ) and call-by-name ( f :
TA −→ TB ) paradigms of programs are represented by equivalent morphisms,
f f .
Notice that in skeletal category DB sk (which is equivalent to DB )allmor-
phisms correspond to the call-by-name paradigm because each arrow is a map-
ping from computations into computations (which are closed objects).
However, in our case, the Kleisli category is a perfect model only for a sub-
set of database mappings in DB : exactly for every view-mapping (i.e., query)
q A :
TA which is just an arrow in Kleisli category θ(q A )
A .For
a general database mapping f
B in DB , only its (equivalent to f ) “compu-
tation extension” η B
TB is an arrow θ(η B
B in the Kleisli
Consequently, the Kleisli category is a model for the database mappings up to
the equivalence “
It means that, generally, the database mappings are not simply programs from
values into computations. In fact, the semantics of a database mapping, between any
two objects A and B , is equal to telling that for some set of computations (i.e, query-
mappings) over A we have the same equivalent (in the sense that these programs
produce the same computed value, i.e., a view) set of computations (i.e., query-
mappings) over B : it is fundamentally an equivalence of computations.
This is a consequence of the fact that each database mapping (which is a set of
functions ) from A into B is naturally bidirectional, i.e., a morphism f
is equivalent to its inverted morphism f OP
A (explained by the duality
DB OP [ 16 ]).
Let us define this equivalence formally:
property DB
Definition 60 Each simple database mapping h : A −→ B defines an equiv-
alence of programs ( DB epimorphisms), h A τ(J(h)) : A TH and h B
τ 1 (J(h)) OP
: B TH , where τ and τ 1 are natural transformations of the cate-
gorial symmetry in Theorem 4 , and H is the kernel (in Definition 13 )oftheinfor-
mation flux h (i.e., TH = h ).
Hence, h A h h B , such that the computations of these two programs (i.e., ar-
rows of Kleisli category DB T ) are equal, that is, 1 (h A )
1 (h B ) . We can also give
an alternative model for the equivalent computational extensions of the database
mappings in DB category:
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