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The condition that α is a model is satisfied if both functions α(v 1 )
α(r q 1 )
R =
and α(v 2 )
R = ).
This condition means that α satisfies the implications in Φ which are equiv-
alent to the implications
α(r q 2 )
R = are injections (we have that for every α , α(r )
r(x,f 2 (x,z))) (they are algebraically expressed by the relations in points 1 and
2 above). As we have examined in Sect. 4.2.4 , the canonical model can(
x,y(r(x,y) s(y,f 1 (x,y))) and
,D) in
this case is infinite. The sketch category derived by this data integration system is
denoted by Sch (
) .
where is the “truth” database A = α ( A ) ={ α(r ) }
with the built-in relation
α(r )
Thus, in order to pass from the logic framework into the Σ R -algebra framework,
we need to transform the two tgds in points 1 and 2 above into the guarded set of
equations with Σ R terms. Let R
R =
ret( I ,D) be the exten-
sions of r and s in the retrieved (from the source database D ) database ret( I ,D) ,
respectively, which are imported into the global database by injective mapping
M G T G : G T G
ret( I ,D) and S
. Hence, the final extensions of r and s are determined by the
solution of the following flattened guarded system of equations with variables (re-
lational symbols) in X ={ r X, 1 ,...,r X, 6 }
, such that ar(r X, 3 ) =
ar(r X, 5 ) =
3 and all
other relational symbols have the arity equal to 2:
r X, 1 r X, 4 UNION r X, 7 ;
r X, 2
r X, 6 UNION r X, 8 ;
f 1 nr( 1 ),nr( 2 ) ;
r X, 3
EXTEND r X, 2 ADD at( 3 ), name 1 AS name 1 =
r X, 3 nr( 2 ),nr( 3 ) ;
r X, 4
f 2 nr( 1 ),nr( 2 ) ;
r X, 5
EXTEND r X, 1 ADD at( 3 ), name 2 AS name 2 =
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