Database Reference
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In our case, we take for C the lfp enriched (co)complete category DB with the
monoidal product corresponding to the matching database operation
, with F 2 =
Σ D :
DB and F 1 being the hom-functor for a given simple database A
(i.e., an object in DB ), DB I ( _ ,A)
DB f
DB f
DB , where K
DB f
DB I is
an inclusion functor. Notice that for any finite database, i.e., object B
DB f ,the
DB I (K(B),A) is a hom-object A K(B) of enriched database subcategory DB I .In
this context, we obtain that for any object (also infinite) A in DB I (that is, in DB ),
we have a tensor product
B DB f
DB I ( _ ,A)
K P Σ D =
B DB f
DB I (B,A)
Σ D B.
This tensorial product comes with a dinatural transformation [ 6 ], β : S A ,
where S
DB O f ×
DB and A is a constant functor
between the same categories of the functor S . Thus, for any given object A in DB
we have a collection of arrows β B :
DB I ( _ ,A)
Σ D _
DB f
DB I (B,A)
A (for every object B
DB f ).
In the standard case of Set , which is a (co)complete lfp with the monoidal product
equal to the Cartesian product
, such arrows are β B :
Set (B,A)
Σ R (B)
A ,
where B is a finite set with cardinality n
, so that Set (B,A) is a set of all tuples
of arity n composed of elements of the set A , while Σ R (B) here is interpreted as a
set of all basic n -ary algebra operations. So that β B is a specification for all basic
algebra operations with arity n , and is a function such that for any n -ary operation
o i
A n
Σ R (B) and a tuple (a 1 ,...,a n )
Set (B,A) (where
is an isomorphism
in Set ) returns the result β B ((a 1 ,...,a n ),o i )
o i (a 1 ,...,a n )
A . If for a given
B with n
, Σ R (B) is the empty set (that is, we have no n -ary operators in
Σ R ), then Set (B,A)
Σ R (B)
Set (B,A)
is the initial object in Set ),
so that B DB f
B DB f & Σ R B =∅ DB I (B,A)
DB I (B,A)
Σ R B .Inthis
case, β B :∅→
A is an empty function.
In the nonstandard case when, instead of the base category Set , another lfp-
enriched (co)complete category is used, as the DB category in our case, the in-
terpretation for this tensorial product and dinatural transformation β is obviously
very different, as we will see in what follows. First of all, the hom-set DB I (B i ,A)
in the preorder DB category is internalized in a hom-object in DB I as follows:
DB I (B i ,A) = in i = TB if there exists a monomorphism in i : B i A in DB I ;
0 otherwise.
Based on the considerations explained before, we obtain that the finitary sig-
nature functor Σ D :
DB f
DB has a left Kan extension of Σ D along the cat-
egory inclusion K
DB f
DB I [ 5 ] in the enriched category DB , Lan K D )
DB , and left Kan extension Lan J K D )
DB for the inclusion
functor J
DB (this second extension is a direct consequence of the first
one because J does not introduce extension for objects, differently from K , from
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