Database Reference
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: A A
where M A A ={
, which
represents such an operation from a database A into the closed database TA will
have a finite cardinality of 0 (f o i )
q i , 1 }=
x i (q i ( x i )
r q ( x i ))
ar(o i ) , so that
we can restrict Σ D to finite databases only. The extension of Σ D to all databases,
as infinite databases which are not closed objects (i.e., compact objects in DB ), can
be successively obtained by left Kan extension of this finite restriction as will be
demonstrated in what follows.
First of all, we have to demonstrate the existence of the ω -cocontinuous end-
ofunctors for the DB category which can be used for a construction of the initial
algebra based on morphisms of the DB category. We have demonstrated in Propo-
ω A , with cardinality
0 (f o i )
sition 53 that the “merging with A ” endofunctor A =
DB is
ω -cocontinuous, i.e., a monotone function which preserves of ω -chains.
Let us define another ω -cocontinuous endofunctor:
Proposition 59
For each object A in the category DB with coproduct
, equal
from Theorem 5 to the disjoint union , the endofunctor A
T _
T _
DB is ω-cocontinuous .
Proof Constant endofunctor A
DB is an ω -cocontinuous endofunctor, iden-
tity endofunctors are ω -cocontinuous, colimit functors (thus coproduct
, which is,
by Theorem 5 in Sect. 3.3.2 , equal to disjoint union
)are ω -cocontinuous (be-
cause of the standard “interchange of colimits”). Since ω -cocontinuity is preserved
by functor composition
T it is
enough to show that T is an ω -cocontinuous endofunctor. In fact, let us consider the
following diagram obtained by an iterative application of the endofunctor T
, for the second endofunctor A
T _
Id _ )
0 T
0 1 T 2
0 2 ··· T ω
0 ,
0 is the initial object in DB and all objects T n
0 and hence all arrows
T ω
0 , and TColimJ
in this chain are identities. Thus, ColimJ
0 , so that T is an ω -cocontinuous endofunctor.
In what follows, we will make the translation of the inductive principle from the
Set into DB category, for any given database schema
and R-algebra α , based on
the following considerations:
The object (i.e., a set of relational symbols of a database schema)
in Set is
considered as set of variables X
= A
, while an instance of this schema A
α (
) , obtained by R-algebra α
TA , is an object in DB . Analogously, the
set of terms with variables
T P X used in the Set category is translated (by the
surjective function α # : T P X
TA , obtained as a unique homomorphism from
the initial Σ R -algebra of terms
T P X in Set ) into the set TA of all views (which
are relations obtained by computation of these terms with variables in X
= A
, while in Set
it is considered as aset of relations) is not a carrier set for the initial (A
However, TA (in DB it is an instance database of a schema
Σ D ) -
algebra in DB for the endofunctor Σ D =
DB (see bellow) because,
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