Database Reference
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As we can see, each monadic T-coalgebra is an equivalent inverted arrow in
DB of some monadic T-algebra and vice versa: the fundamental duality property
of DB introduces the equivalence of monadic T-algebras and monadic T-coalgebras
and hence the equivalence of the dichotomy “ construction versus observation ”or
duality between induction and coinduction principles [ 9 ].
We have seen (from the Universal algebra considerations in Sect. 8.1.4 ) that
there exists the unique universal functor U :
K such that for any simple
instance-database A in DB sk it returns the free Σ R -algebra U(A) .
Its adjoint is the forgetful functor F :
DB sk −→
DB sk such that for any free algebra
U(A) in K the object F U(A) in DB sk is equal to its carrier-set A (for each n -ary
operation o i Σ R ,theterm o i (R 1 ,...,R n ) U(A) with R i A , i =
1 ,...,n ,is
evaluated into some view ( computed relation) of this closed object A in DB sk ).
Finitariness . In a locally finitely presentable (lfp) category, every object can be
given as the directed (or filtered) colimit of the finitely presentable (fp) objects.
Hence, if the action of a monad preserves this particular kind of colimits, its action
on any object will be determined by its action on the fp objects; such a monad is
called finitary.
Let us verify that the power-view closure 2-endofunctor T
DB is a
finitary monad.
Proposition 58
DB is immedi-
ate from the universal property of composed adjunction (UT sk , In sk F,In sk η U T sk ·
η sk U ·
The power-view closure 2 -endofunctor T
Id DB . It is finitary .
The category DB is equivalent to the ( Eilenberg-Moore ) category T alg of all
monadic T-algebras and is equivalent to the category T coalg of all monadic T-
coalgebras .
Its equivalent skeletal category DB sk is , instead , isomorphic to T alg and T coalg .
sk F)
K , i . e ., T
In sk FUT sk
Proof For any object A in DB , In sk FUT sk (A)
In sk T sk (A)
TA , and for any
morphism f : A −→ B in DB , In sk FUT sk (f ) =
In sk K sk (f ) =
In sk (f T ) = Tf
(where, from Theorem 14 , f T = T sk (f ) and f T = Tf = f ).
The adjunction-equivalence (T sk , In sk sk sk ) between DB and DB sk and the
adjunction-isomorphism (U,F,η U U ) of DB sk
K produce a composed adjunc-
tion (UT sk , In sk F,In sk η U T sk · η sk U · sk F) :
K , which is an equiva-
Hence, K
DB sk and, from universal algebra (Back's theorem) theory,
T alg . Thus, DB sk
T alg . From this fact and the fact that DB is equivalent to DB sk ,
we obtain that DB is equivalent to T alg . Similarly, by duality, we obtain that DB is
equivalent to T coalg .
In order to show the finitarity condition, let us consider the term algebra U(A)
over a simple database A with infinite set of relations. Since every operation ρ
can only take finitely many arguments, every term t
U(A) can only contain finitely
many variables from A . Hence, instead of building the term algebra over the infinite
database A , we can also build the term algebras over all finite subsets (of relations)
A 0 of A and take union of these: U(A)
= {
U(A 0 )
A 0 ω A
. This result comes
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