Database Reference
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The complete lattice (
) obtained by this closure operator T is an algebraic
lattice with meet
and join
operators . The compact elements of (
) are
ω Υ .
closed objects of the DB category generated by finite simple objects A
The lattice (Ob DB ,
) is an algebraic lattice such that the algebraic clo-
sure operator T is a surjective homomorphism from this lattice into the 'skeletal'
algebraic lattice of closed databases ( C , ) .
Proof From Theorem 6 in Sect. 3.2.5 , T
Ob DB is a closure operator
over the subset Ob DB and hence the set of closed (and simple) objects
Ob DB −→
is closed
under intersection. From Definition 26 in Sect. 3.2.5 , the total object Υ is the top
object such that for any A
(thus, A
TA ), A
Υ . In fact, each object A
Ob DB is a subset of Υ and vice versa, each subset of Υ (that contains
database instance and hence an object in DB category.
From the Universal algebra theory it holds that each closure operator and its
equivalent closure-set system ( Υ ,
) generate a complete lattice (
) such that for
any subset K
of simple closed objects K
A i =
TA i |
I,A i is closed set of
we obtain:
The greatest lower bound K = i I A i = i I A i = K = i I A i (from
Theorem 12 for the simple databases and from A i = TA i ), that is, meet lattice
operator corresponds to the matching operation
The least upper bound K
= i I A i =
T( i I A i )
T( i I TA i )
i I A i (from Theorem 13 for the simple databases), that is, the join lattice
operator corresponds to the merging operation
, and hence for K
= C
obtain C =
T( A i Ob DB A i )
(by Definition 26 )
Υ .
= {
T(A )
A ω A
Let us demonstrate that T is algebraic, that is, T(A)
for the infinite simple objects A
K be the unique uni-
versal functor (which is a restriction of the functor U to the subcategory DB
of only simple objects, described previously in Sect. 8.1.4 ). Then, for this infi-
nite simple database A , U(A)
Υ .Let U
t i ]|
t i T P A
is an infinite set of the equiva-
lence classes
of SPJRU algebra terms with an infinite carrier set A of rela-
tional tables. From the fact that for all Σ R -algebra operators o i
t i ]
Σ R with finite
2 and R 1 ,...,R n
A , t i =
T P A , we can define
ar(o i )
o i (R 1 ,...,R n )
a finite database A ={
T P A ,
R 1 ,...,R n }⊆ ω A such that t i =
o i (R 1 ,...,R n )
U(A) ={[ t i ]| t i T P A }= {[ t i ]| t i T P A ,A ω A }
. Thus, from Definition 31
in Sect. 5.1 , TA ={ R =[ t i ] # | t i T P A }= { R =[ t i ] # | t i T P A ,A ω
A }= {{ R =[ t i ] # | t i T P A }| A ω A }= { TA | A ω A }
. Hence, T is an
algebraic closure operator and, consequently, the lattice (
) obtained from this
closure operator and the closed-set system ( Υ ,
) is algebraic. It is well known that
the compact elements of such a lattice (
) , obtained from the algebraic closure
operator T , are precisely the closed sets T(A) , where A is a finite subset of Υ .
The ordering in the lattice (Ob DB ,
) is defined for any two simple
databases A,B
Ob DB by A
B iff TA
TB . Thus, A
B iff TA
TB ,so
that A
TB) .
From the fact that each non-closed element A in this lattice is equivalent to the
closed element obtained from it ( A
TA with A
TB and A
TA ), this lattice has the same structure of the
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