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F(μ X )
T P X T P (φ)(t i )
F(μ X ) λ
T P X T P (φ)(t i )
φ # (t i )
1 i n
φ #
n (t 1 ,...,t n ) .
Thus, φ # =
F(μ X )
λ T P X T P (φ) .
Note that in this representation of the (unique) solution of a guarded recursive
specification φ
T P X) we do not use the non-final semantics construction
of the commutative diagram (12b) used in [ 6 ] and [ 19 ], so that we do not need
to involve the mapping β λ : T P (gfp(F))
gfp(F) . Moreover, we do not need to
use λ -bialgebras in this representation: what we need is only the distribution law λ
with its multiplication and unit axioms. Thus, this new minimalist approach is more
rational and use the standard final semantics for F -coalgebras.
Lemma 14
Then we obtain that φ # is equal to the conservative extension ( lifting ) of ℘ , that is ,
φ # = T (℘) .
Let us consider Proposition 45 when F
= B P and φ
= B P X )
Proof Let as consider the definition of the mapping φ # given in the proof of Propo-
sition 45 . It is enough to show that φ # = T (℘) for the variables p k
X . In fact,
φ # (p k )
φ(p k )
= B P X )
℘(p k )
℘(p k )
= T (℘)(p k ) .
Hence, from this lemma we obtain that the non-guarded specification of behavior
φ # : T P B P (
T P X) (the unique extension of the recursive guarded specification
= B P X )
B P (
T P X) ) is equal to conservative extension
T (℘) of the
non-recursive but guarded specification
B P X .
Based on Proposition 45 and Lemma 14 , we obtain the following results:
Corollary 25 The general Proposition 45 , in the case when the endofunctor F is
equal to the abstract behavior
B P , can be applied to th e final database-mapping
sem an tics based on the general behavior endofunctor
B P = S × B P with
D P S =
B P ) and a guarded recursive specification φ
= B P X )
We obtain the following commutative diagram of the fin al
B P -coalgebra seman-
tics for the guarded non-recur siv e specification
]: X B P (X) ( external square
of this diagram ), based on the
B P -coalgebra semanti cs for its derived non-guarded
g E # : T P X
recursive specification ψ
B P (
T P X) ( in internal square
diagram (14)) where φ # = T (℘)
= B P X )
T P X T P (φ) ,
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