Database Reference
In-Depth Information
repetitive loops. This control is affected by the universal machine M U DB during the
execution of a program specified by a graph G . Note also that each path of the
process ends with a leaf A equal to the instance-database which is the target of the
last action a n (a kernel of information flux transferred into A ) so that a n
Ta n
Ta n and hence it preserves the meaning of the paths of each process
described after Definition 53 .
Remark The set of program equations E in P with the process variables in X ,pro-
vided by the algorithm above, composes a guarded system of equations that has the
unique (maximal fixed point) final coalgebra solution. In this guarded system, the
n (p 1 ,...,p n ) (equivalent to p 1
(...(p n 1
p n )...) ) is considered as a flat-
tened one-depth term with variables in X . Note that this process stops the execution
when the administrator stops explicitly the execution by the operation ' nil ' (and re-
sets all modifications produced by this program), or (for default) when the execution
reaches the end or by the fact that the backward/forward process does not modify
the databases further, or because the infinite loops are interrupted (it can happen
only if the graph G is cyclic). Each equation in the system of equations E , obtained
from this algorithm, has only one depth term on the right sides and the constants
(leafs). Thus, such equations are 'flattened'. Notice that in the case of a node with
2 outgoing branches (described in point 3 of this algorithm), the direct trans-
formation of transitions in Y into the equations would produce the non-flattened
equation p i = (a 1 .p i + 1 ,...,a n .p i + n ) , so, in order to obtain the flattened system
of equations (in point 3 of this algorithm), we introduced the set of extra idle pro-
cess transitions p i
ass(p i + k )
p i + k for k
1 ,...,n , that do not change the states (i.e.,
with ass(p i + k )
ass(p i ) for all k
1 ,...,n ).
Let us consider a simple example:
Example 36 Let us consider the simple graph (a database-mapping program) G
with three edges,
M AB 3 : A B 3 , and
with a model α of Sch (G) in the case of a Strong Data Integration semantics. Let
us insert a number of tuples into an instance-database A =
M AB 1 : A B 1 ,
M AB 2 : A B 2 and
α (
) such that the
α 1 (
updated database-instance is equal to A
) that satisfy all three inter-schema
mappings above (and hence α 1 is a new model of the database mapping system in
G ), with the new updated databases for the schemas
α 1 (
B i , B i =
B i ),i
1 , 2 , 3,
and a 1 =
Act (and analogously, for a 2 and a 3 ).
Thus, our database process-program P , obtained from the DBprog(G,
Δ(α, MakeOperads(
M AB 1 ))
A) algorithm has the set of process variables p 0 ,p 1 ,...,p 7
X , with the graph
of the mapping ass
equal to the set
p 0 ,
0 ,(p 1 ,A),(p 2 ,A),(p 3 ,A),(p 4 ,A),(p 5 ,B 1 ),(p 6 ,B 2 ),(p 7 ,B 3 ) ,
so that ass(p i )
1 , 2 , 3.
The system of guarded flattened equations of the program P provided by this
algorithm is:
A for i
1 ,..., 4, and ass(p i + 4 )
B i for i
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