Database Reference
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“insertion” processing described in Sect. 7.2.2 for the list Y
S (A,α ) , or during
“deletion” processing described in Sect. 7.2.1 for the list Y
(A,α ) given by
Definition 54 .
Output. A database-mapping process-program P composed of a set of flattened
guarded equations with the set of process variables p k
X and an assignment
Ob DB is the set of states.
0 ,(
A )),(p 1 ,A,(
1. Set X
p 0 ,p 1 }
S Gr ={
(p 0 ,
equations E ={ (p 0 =
nil) }
, the pointer to the variables i =
2. Let n =| Y |
.If n =
0 then insert the equation (p i = A) in E and goto 4.
If n
2 then set N = j =
0, L to be the empty list, and goto 3.
a,( B 1 ) Y .
Control loop . If there exists an equation (p k = a.p m ) E with (p k ,A)
π 1 , 2 S Gr and (p m ,B) π 1 , 2 S Gr such that B = α 1 ( B ) then insert (p i = A)
into E (i.e., interrupt a loop and close this path) and goto 4.
Otherwise, insert new process variable p i + 1 in X , (p i + 1 1 (
1 ))
S Gr and the equation (p i =
a.p i + 1 ) in E .Goto4.
3. N
1. If N
n goto 3.1.
Let j
be the set of elements in the list L .If j
0( L is empty) then
j L) .Goto4.
3.1. Control loop . If there exists an equation (p k =
insert (p i =
A) into E ; Otherwise insert (p i =
a.p m )
E with
α 1 (
(p k ,A)
π 1 , 2 S Gr and (p m ,B)
π 1 , 2 S Gr such that B
) then (i.e.,
interrupt a loop and close this path) and goto 3.
Otherwise, j
1. Insert p i + j into L , p i + j ,p i + j + n in X , (p i + j =
a.p i + j + n ) into E , and (p i + j ,A,(
1 )),(p i + j + n 1 (
1 )) into
S Gr .
Goto 3.
4. If this process is interrupted by the administrator with an execution of the op-
eration ' nil ', then set X
0 ,(
A ))
p 0 }
S Gr ={
(p 0 ,
, the set of equa-
and goto 6.
5. Continue the forward insertion (or backward deletion) chaining (a propaga-
tion) for the variable p m , with the minimal index m such that it is not on the
left side of any equation in E . If there is no such variable, goto 6.
Set (p m ,A,(
tions E
(p 0 =
α (
S Gr , with A
) and Y
S (A,α ) (or Y
(A,α ) during the deletion processing) given by Definition 54 .
1 then set the index i to the value of this index of the last created
program-variable and goto 2. Otherwise insert the equation (p m = A) into E
and goto 5.
6. Stop. This process of generation of the new equations in this program P ends.
Return the program P with equations in E and the assignment ass
: X
(its graph is obtained by the projection on the first two columns in
S Gr ).
Note that the Control loop is an additional filtering w.r.t. the filtering provided
by Definition 54 for computation of the sets Y = S (A,α ) (or Y = S OP
(A,α ) during
the deletion processing) which controls that the target database of a transition is
modified: by this control loop, we additionally control that such a transition is not a
repetition of an equal previously executed transition, in order to interrupt the infinite
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