Database Reference
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Remark The empty database
Act is an action as well: it is the ' nil ' action
which stops the execution of a path in the LTS of a given process graph P in Defi-
nition 48 .
Definition 51 Based on Proposition 33 and on the correspondence between the
visible actions and atomic morphisms in DB , the process language for a database-
mapping program of a graph G
(V G ,E G ) is given by a general grammar (with
the terms t and the program variables p ):
| t 1 f a | t 1 ,t 2 ,
( G r) t := p | f a |⊥
A : A →⊥
f a : A B is an atomic action such that f a = α (MakeOperads( M AB )) where
α is a mapping-interpretation of Sch (G) and
Δ α, MakeOperads(
M AB ) ,
and hence f a =
Ta .
0 in
DB corresponding to ' nil ' operation, a basic inert program in GSOS DB (stop of
is a unique arrow from A = α ( A ) ,
A V G , into a terminal object
' is a binary sequential composition of arrows (morphisms) in DB . That is,
the DB-denotational semantics of a sequential action-prefixing operator ' a. _' in
GSOS DB here is given by '_
f a '.
For any two morphisms t 1 :
C , their parallel composition
(execution) is given by the unique arrow of product diagram in DB ,
B and t 2 :
t 1 ,t 2 :
C . That is, the coproduct pairing '
_ , _
'in DB represents the DB-
denotational semantics of the syntax operator '
'inGSOS DB .
The weak point of this denotational grammar for abstract GSOS DB gram-
mar is that here we possibly have an infinite number of different 'nil' operators
0 that are terminal arrows in DB . What is common for all of them is
that their information flux is unique and equal to
A : A →⊥
0 (i.e., zero object in DB ), and
hence it will be more appropriate to pass to the objects in DB (thanks to its sym-
metry properties) as terms of the denotational semantics of the abstract GSOS DB
Hence, in order to pass from the atomic morphisms in DB into the visible ac-
tions, we have to use the categorial symmetry of DB with the 'conceptualizing' op-
erator B T :
Ob DB (in Definition 4 and Theorem 4 ). It is easy to see that
this category symmetry transformation corresponds to the algebraic homomorphism
B T :
Mor DB
, ) (an extension of the homomorphism in
Sect. 5.4 with a dual composition of the objects
(Mor DB ,
_ , _
(Ob DB ,
Ob 2 DB
Ob DB equal to tenso-
rial product '
', i.e., to a matching operator such that for any two simple objects
TB ; it will be extended to a bifunctor in Sect. 8.1.1 ),
such that the image of B T is the subset of closed objects in DB and '‡' is the data-
separation operator (isomorphic to the disjoint union '
Ob DB , A
', i.e., coproduct '
') in DB
(introduced in Sect. 3.3.2 ). Consequently, we have:
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