Database Reference
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we will use the word “programs” for this process-algebra language, denoted by
GSOS DB and adequate to represent the operational semantics for the execution of
the database-mapping programs specified by a mapping graph G (or its “algebraic”
sketch Sch (G) ). Note that such processes are not specified by the users (i.e., pro-
grammers) as the original database-mapping programs specified by a graph G ,but
are dynamically generated during the execution (forward or backward chaining) of
such programs.
Denotational model of a process-programming language, introduced in Sect. 7.1
and given by the abstract grammar (GSOS DB ), is a Σ P -algebra, where
Σ P = nil, Act,
a. _
} a Act ,
is the signature of the language corresponding to the basic syntax constructs in
GSOS DB . The processes themselves form the initial such Σ P -algebra and the cor-
responding homomorphism from this initial Σ P -algebra (syntax algebra of Σ P )to
the denotational model is called initial algebra semantics [ 17 ].
In what follows, we will define the denotational model Σ P -algebra in our frame-
work of database mapping systems where the DB-denotational semantics is based
on the category DB .
In the database-mappings context, a visible action a
Act (a nullary operator of
the signature Σ P ) of a database-mapping program (a graph) G is the kernel of views
that define the information-flux of a given schema mapping
M AB : A B
given α
DB Sch (G) . That is, based on point 2 of Definition 13 ,
Δ α, MakeOperads(
M AB )
P fin ( Υ )
Ob DB ,
P fin is the finite powerset operator.
Consequently, the set of all possible visible actions is defined by Act
= P fin ( Υ ) ,
where Υ is the total object in the subcategory of only simple objects DB and each
visible action a
Act is a finite set of views (i.e., relations), i.e., a simple object
in DB .
Note that the low-level programming “select-project-join
union” language
(SPJRU language [ 1 ], with the signature Σ R , is encapsulated into this set of pos-
sible visible actions Act .
Proposition 33
(V G ,E G ) , where
V G is the set of vertices ( nodes ) in G and E G is the set of edges in G , the graph
obtained by inverting orientation only of inter-schema mappings
For any schema-database mapping program G
M AB : A B
by G OP .
There exists an LTS derived from G ( or G OP ) and from a given initial mapping-
interpretation α
Int(G) of the sketch Sch (G) , which is a model of the root
database schema in this LTS , such that all states of this LTS are the models of
schema databases ( vertices ) in V G . The set of visible atomic actions for the set of
all LTS of database-mapping systems is equal to Act
= P fin ( Υ ) , with Υ introduced
in Definition 26 .
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