Database Reference
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SQL statements of this program P(i) which are executed during this transaction
ID T ) and the subset of updated relations of the current consistent database instance
in data memory (obtained by Out DB (st (k)) in the current machine state st (k) )are
Consequently, the execution of these RA arrows obtained after the variable bind-
ings use these “locally” updated relations by respecting X-locks on their tuples,
while the rest of relations are taken in Out DB (st (k)) .
Hence, the Buffer Manager manages the n
1 “local” partitions of the data
memory, one for each concurrent transaction, plus the last version of (committed)
instance-database in Out DB (st (k)) . In this way, each independent transaction (initi-
ated by different time-shared source programs P(i),i =
1 , 2 , 3 ,... ) saves its “local
changes” (still non-committed, thus possibly inconsistent ) independently from other
Each transaction ends with COMMIT or ROLLBACK statements, while the new
transactions begin with CALL n , n
3 statements by receiving a list (n, 0 , ID T ,L)
from M UC when there is still no partition for this ID T , as follows:
When a list (n, 0 , ID T ,L) is received from M UC :
1. If there is still no partition for this ID T , then the Buffer Manager creates a new
partition for this new transaction ID T , by binding variables for the Application
Plan P n and saving the obtained RA arrow in an internal list of this partition.
Then this RA arrow is executed by using (and by respecting X-locks) the
relations of the current consistent database in Out DB (st (k)) . However, the
resulting relation is saved only in this local partition, without changing the
database in Out DB (st (k)) .
2. Otherwise, if there is a partition for this transaction, then a new RA arrow
is generated by variable binding and it is saved at the end of the existing list
of the previously generated RA arrows during this transaction. Then this RA
arrow is executed by using (and by respecting X-locks) the locally updated
relations in this partition and the rest of relations from Out DB (st (k)) .The
generated new relation will be saved locally in this partition, or will substitute
the previous version of the same relation in this partition. Again, the data the
database in Out DB (st (k)) is not changed.
When a transaction ID T =
N a ends with a COMMIT, in the current machine state
st (k) , then all “locally” saved relations of this transaction are deleted and the or-
dered saved list of RA arrows are executed again but the resulting relations of
the execution of each single RA arrow are directly saved in the current database
instance in Out DB (st (k)) . These executions guarantee that all updates during
this transaction ID T are done on the last consistent version of the database (be-
cause during this transaction ID T = N a this instance-database may be changed
by the COMMIT of some different transaction N b of another concurrent program
P(j) ). At the end, all saved RA arrows of this transaction are deleted and this
partition in data memory is eliminated.
When a transaction ID T =
N a ends with a ROLLBACK then simply the partition
of this transaction is eliminated (with all updated relations and RA arrows in it)
and hence the current consistent database in Out DB (st (k)) remains unchanged.
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