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or made permanent. These states st in M R are distinguished by the fact that
t 2 (st ) (t 3 (st ) +
1 ) =
1(i.e., x 3 =
1 and no errors, x 2 =
The ROLLBACK operation, by contrast, signals unsuccessful end-of-transaction:
it tells the transaction manager that something has gone wrong when the exe-
cution of COMMIT was previously attempted and M R responded by an error
condition in the list ( 0 ,n,
) , with n> 0, to M U , the database might be in an
inconsistent state. In that case, after unsuccessful COMMIT operation, the host
program in M U may send the call for ROLLBACK to M R (i.e., calls the Ap-
plication Plan P 2 ) and all the updates made by the logical unit of work must be
“rolled back” or undone.
Executing either a COMMIT or a ROLLBACK operation establishes what is called
a synchronization point (abbreviated synchpoint), which represents the boundary
between two consecutive transactions. Thus, the consecutive transactions in M R
are defined by their states where t 2 (st (k))
(t 3 (st (k))
1, k> 0. The only
operations that establish a synchpoint are COMMIT, ROLLBACK and the machine
initiation. When a synchpoint is established then:
1 )
All updates by the program since the previous synchpoint are committed (COM-
MIT) or undone (ROLLBACK).
All open cursors (in the host program P U ) are closed and all database positioning
is lost.
All record locks are released.
Transactions are indeed the unit of recovery and the unit of concurrency also. In
general, a single program execution will consist of a sequence of several transac-
tions, running one after another, with each COMMIT or ROLLBACK operation
terminating one transaction and starting the next. Now we are ready to give a formal
definition of an atomic transaction for a categorial RDB machine M R .
Definition 42 A concept of an atomic transaction for a Categorial RDB machine
M R and for a source program P
is represented in the category R P =
R M (P ) (by Proposition 29 and Corollary 20 ) as an arrow composed of all arrows
between the state st (k
Obj P A
μy(t 2 (st (k
y)) (t 3 (st (k
y)) +
1 )
0 ))
and the state st (k) , k
1, such that t 2 (st (k))
(t 3 (st (k))
1 )
Remark If schema
has a nonempty set Σ A of integrity constraints then an atomic
DB Sch (G( A )) is not necessarily a transition between two mod-
arrow in Int(G(
els of schema
(it is not guaranteed during the execution of each program P n )
in M R . Thus, only the strict subset of the arrows in Int(G(
)) corresponds to the
consistent transitions in M R .
Each atomic transaction is composed of a number of consecutive RA arrows
P n i ,1
k , between the two consecutive synchpoints, not all of them must be
consistent: what is important is that the resulting composition P n k ◦···◦
P n 1 is
The categorial semantics for a consistent database evolution-in-time can be given
by the following “consistent” natural transformation and its derived “transaction”
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