Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Table 6.1 SQL translations
Embedded SQL statements: 'EXEC t'
Embedded (internal) algebra statements
t =
t S T P X in Σ R Σ RE
T P X in Σ R
t D
(i) t =
VALUES (list)'
t I T RE X
(ii) t = 'INSERT INTO r [ S ] AS SELECT...'
t I T P X
t U T RE X
nr r (i 1 )
e i 1 ,...,nr r (i k )
e i k ]
t = 'EXTEND r ADD a,name AS e '
idem, t E = t T RE X
will be executed the instruction 'CALL n ' from host M U by passing such a
list of values to M R .
The k =| S |≤
ar(r) has to be equal to the number of values in the list in
the case (1), or to the ar(
t S # ) in case (ii).
4. t U =
C) UNION r 1 ', where r 1 is a relation expressed by
EXTEND ... EXTEND (r WHERE C) ADD att r ( 1 ), name 1 AS e 1 ...
ADD att r (n),name n AS e n [
' (r WHERE
and for each 1
ar(r) if m/
i 1 ,...,i k }
then e m =
nr r (m) , and
Notice that in SQL each expression e m , m
name 1 ,...,name n
,isasimple value
in dom . However, after the Bind module, these values in the embedded (inter-
nal) algebra statements are treated as the variables: the assignment of values
to them will be done during the execution of the program P when executing
the instruction 'CALL n ' from host M U by passing such a list of values to
M R .
Analogously, all constants used in 'SELECT...' or in the conditions 'C',
will be substituted by new fresh variables, and their assignment will be done
during the execution of a program P .
5. The Bind component compiles one or more related DBRMs to produce an ap-
plication plan (a program for an RDB machine M R ) composed principally of
the normal forms Rd RE (t R )
i 1 ,...,i k }
Nrm(Trw(t R )) (the arrows in the category RA ),
obtained from the internal algebra statements t R T RE X after precompilation.
Each normal form formula is a composed n -operator of the database machine
M R , i.e., exactly a composition of the atomic arrows in RA (which are unary
operations in Σ RA \ Σ RA in Proposition 20 , Sect. 5.2 ), which is an executable
code for this categorial database machine M R . The Bind component executes
the following three steps for any statement t R T RE X in order to obtain a
executable code for M R :
5.1. Executes the term-rewriting algorithm Trw
: T RE X
T RA X defined in
Proposition 20 , Sect. 5.2 .
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