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postulating that “the universe
P S -algebra.” This provides
the formal link between the initiality and a (generalized) induction on well-founded
For the signature endofunctor Σ P and every set of program variables X ,the
initial Σ P -algebra (Lambek's Lemma) are isomorphisms (for the carrier set
P S (V )
V is an initial
T P X ),
(X Σ P )( T P X) I T P X
with the isomorphism (bijection in Set ),
I =[
inl X , inr X ]:
Σ P (
T P X)
T P X , where inl X :
−→ T P X are injective arrows
of the coproduct X Σ P ( T P X) . Consequently, the ( T P X, [
T P X and inr X :
Σ P (
T P X)
inl X , inr X ] ) is the initial
Σ P ) -algebra and, consequently, for any other (X
Σ P ) -algebra (Z,
algebra (for each constant o i , ar(o i )
0 and h(o i )
o i
Z )thereisa unique
homomorphism f # : ( T P X, [
inl X , inr X ] ) (Z, [ h,f ] ) , as represented in the fol-
lowing commutative diagrams:
The left commutative diagram (I1) in Set corresponds to the unique homomorphism
f # :
T P X,
I )
(Z,l) , from the initial “syntax” (X
Σ P ) -algebra to another
Σ P ) -algebra)). If the set of variables X is the empty set
(and hence f is the
empty function, with empty graph) with
S in Set , we obtain the simpler
commutative diagram above (I2) on the right (note that in Set the object
S is
isomorphic to S for any set S ), where the unique homomorphism f # : T P ∅→
represents the meaning of the ground terms in
. Note that the right commutative
diagram (I2) represents the unique homomorphisms f # from the initial Σ P -algebra
of ground terms (
I ) where
I is an isomorphism equal to into inr X for
, into the Σ P -algebra (Z,h) .
This commutative diagram for the initial algebra with variables in X can be rep-
resented in the following way as well: by inductive extension (principle), for every
Σ P -algebra structure h : Σ P Z −→ Z and every mapping f : X −→ Z , there is the
unique (inductive extension of h along the mapping f ) arrow f # : T P X
Z such
that the following first diagram (in Set ) commutes (the first diagram bellow is just
recombination of the commutative diagram (I1). The second diagram is a particular
case of the first diagram, where Z is replaced by
T P Z and the mapping f
by the mapping inl Z
T P Z ):
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