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nr r (ar(r 1 )
name otherwise being a fresh new name for this column; with
the attribute function atr r :{
1 )
ar(r 1 )
att such that atr r (i)
atr r 1 (i) if i
ar(r 1 ) and atr r (ar(r 1 )
1 )
a otherwise, and
= d & e( d )
r 1 ,
where e( d )
dom(a) is a constant or the value obtained from the function
e where each name nr r (i) is substituted by the value d i of the tuple d
d 1 ,...,d n r 1
; in the special cases, we can use nullary functions (constants)
for the expression e (for example, for the NULL value).
(note that r is empty if e is an expression and r 1 empty as well).
Then, for a nonempty relation r 1 , the EXTEND r 1 ADD a,name AS e (i.e.,
r 1
) can be represented by the following logical equivalence:
r 1 (x 1 ,...,x n )
x n + 1 =
e( x ) ,
r(x 1 ,...,x n + 1 )
where e( x ) is obtained by substituting each name i =
nr r 1 (j) (of the j th column
of r 1 ) in the expression e by the variable x j .
We are able to define a new relation with a single tuple
d 1 ,...,d k ,k
1 with the
given list of attributes
a 1 ,...,a k
, by the following finite length expression,
ADD a 1 , name 1 AS d 1 )... ADD a k , name k AS d k ,
or equivalently, by r
a 1 , name 1 ,d 1 ⊗···⊗
a k , name k ,d k
, where r
is the
empty type relation with
0 introduced in Definition 8 , and empty
functions atr r and nr r . Such single tuple relations can be used for an insertion in
a given relation (with the same list of attributes) in what follows.
r =⊥
, ar(r )
Update Operators The three update operators, 'UPDATE', 'DELETE' and 'IN-
SERT' of the Relational algebra, are derived operators from these previously defined
operators in the following way:
1. Each algebraic formulae 'DELETE FROM r WHERE C ' is equivalent to the
formulae ' r WHERE
C ', that is, to ' r MINUS ( r WHERE C )'.
2. Each algebraic expression (a term) 'INSERT INTO r
VALUES (list of val-
AS SELECT...', is equivalent to ' r UNION r 1 '
where the union compatible relation r 1 is a one-tuple relation (defined by list)
in the first, or a relation defined by 'SELECT...' in the second case.
In the case of a single tuple insertion (version with 'VALUES') into a given
relation r , we can define a single tuple relation r 1 by using 'EXTEND...' oper-
3. Each algebraic expression 'UPDATE r SET
ues)', 'INSERT INTO r
nr r (i 1 )
e i 1 ,...,nr r (i k )
e i k ]
WHERE C ', for n
ar(r) , where e i m , 1
i m
n for 1
k are the ex-
pressions and C is a condition, is equal to the formula '( r WHERE
r 1 ' , where r 1 is a relation expressed by
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