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lations are considered equal as well. In what follows, given any two lists (tuples),
d 1 ,...,d k ,b 1 ,...,b m
is denoted by d & b , where '&' is the symbol for concatenation of the lists. By
d 1 ,...,d k
and b
b 1 ,...,b m
their concatenation
we denote the extension of a given relation (relational symbol) r ; it is extended to
any term t R of Codd's algebra, so that
is the relation obtained by computation
of this term. Let us briefly define these basic operators, and their correspondence
with the formulae of FOL:
1. Rename is a unary operation written as _ RENAME name 1 AS name 2 where the
result is identical to input argument (relation) r except that the column i with
name nr r (i)
t R
name 2 .
This operation is neutral w.r.t. the logic, where we are using the variables for
the columns of relational tables and not their names.
2. Cartesian product is a binary operation _ TIMES _, written also as _
name 1 in all tuples is renamed to nr r (i)
_, such
that for the relations r 1 and r 2 , first we do the rename normalization of r 2 (w.r.t.
r 1 ), denoted by r 2 , such that:
For each k th copy of the attribute a i (or, equivalently, a i ( 0 ) )ofthe m th column
of r 2 (with 1
atr(r 2 ) , such that the
maximum index of the same attribute a i in r 1 is a i (n) , we change r 2 by:
(a) a i (k)
ar(r 2 ) ), denoted by a i (k)
atr r 2 (m)
a i (k
n) ;
(b) If name 1 =
nr r 2 (m) is a name that exists in the set of the column names
in r 1 , then we change the naming function nr r 2 :{
1 ,...,ar(r 2 )
SN ,
by nr r 2 (m)
SN is a new name distinct from all
other used names, and we define the renaming normalization ρ by mapping
name 1
name 2 , where name 2
name 2 .
The relation obtained from r 2 , after this renaming normalization, will be denoted
by r 2 . Then we define the new relation r (when both
r 1 ={}
r 2 =
r 2 , with
, i.e., when are not empty relations) by r 1
d 1 & d 2 |
d 1
r 1
, d 2
r 2 }
, and with the naming function nr r :{
1 ,...,ar(r 1 )
ar(r 2 )
SN such that nr r (i)
nr r 1 (i) for 1
ar(r 1 ) and nr r (i)
nr r 2 (i) for
ar(r 1 )
ar(r 1 )
ar(r 2 ) , and the atr r :{
1 ,...,ar(r 1 )
ar(r 2 )
function defined by atr r (i)
atr r 1 (i) for 1
ar(r 1 ) and atr r (i)
atr r 2 (i)
for 1
ar(r 2 ) .
This Cartesian product is given by the following logical equivalence, by con-
sidering the relational symbols as predicates,
r(x 1 ,...,x ar(r 1 ) ,y 1 ,...,y ar(r 2 ) ) r 1 (x 1 ,...,x ar(r 1 ) ) r 2 (y 1 ,...,y ar(r 2 ) ) ,
ar(r 1 )
ar(r 1 )
so that
r 1 (x 1 ,...,x ar(r 1 ) )
r 2 (y 1 ,...,y ar(r 2 ) )
r 2 =
r 2 =
r 1
is empty then r 1
r 2 ;if
r 2
is empty then r 1
r 1 ).
3. Projection is a unary operation written as _
, where S is a tuple of col-
umn names such that for a relation r 1 and S
nr r 1 (i 1 ),...,nr r 1 (i k )
, with
1 and 1
i m
ar(r 1 ) for 1
k , and i m =
i j if m
j , we define
the relation r by: r 1 [
, with
r 1
name /
nr(r 1 ) ; other-
π i 1 ,...,i k (
r 1
) , where nr r (m)
nr r 1 (i m ) , atr r (m)
atr r 1 (i m ) ,for
k .
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