Database Reference
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3. The integrity-constraints mapping operad,
MakeOperads EgdsToSOtgd Σ egd
T GA =
TgdsToCanSOtgd Σ tgd
G : G A .
The sketch category derived by this data integration system is denoted by Sch (
and represented in the left side of the following diagram:
Example 27
, both of arity 2 and
having as key the first attribute, with the following foreign key constraints in
Suppose that we have two relations r and s in
1. π 2 (r) π 1 (s) ,ofthetgd
x y(r(x,y) ⇒∃ zs(y,z)) , with K
key indexes
of s , and K ={
2. π 1 (s) π 1 (r) ,ofthetgd
x z(s(x,z) ⇒∃ yr(x,y)) , with K
key indexes
of r , and K ={
That is,
G =
(S G G ) with S G ={
r, s
, ar(r)
2 and
G =
y r(x,y)
zs(y,z) ,
z s(x,z)
yr(x,y) .
Σ tgd
Each certain answer of the original user query q( x ) , x
= (x 1 ,...,x k ) over a global
schema is equal to the answer
q L ( x ) can( I , D ) of the lifted query q L ( x ) , equivalent
to the formula q( x )
Va l(x k ) , over this canonical model (the unary
predicate Va l( _ ) was introduced in Sect. 3.4.2 for the weak equivalence of databases
with Skolem marked null values in SK ).
Thus, if it is possible to materialize such a canonical model, the certain answers
could be obtained over such a database without query rewriting. Often it is not pos-
sible (as in this example) if this canonical model is infinite . In such a case, we can
Va l(x 1 ) ∧···∧
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