Database Reference
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a constraint is satisfied in an instance-database A if for each tuple t 1
r 1 A
there exists a tuple t 2
r 2 A such that π K (
t 1 }
π K (
t 2 }
) .
z r 2 ( x , z )) Σ tgd
It can be provided by a tgd
x (
y r 1 ( x , y ) ⇒∃
be the set of attribute indexes
of r 2 that are not key-attributes and let us define the set of terms S ={ t j k | t j k =
f r 2 ,j k (x i 1 ,...,x i h ) for 1
{ j 1 ,...,j m h }={
1 ,...,m }\{ i 1 ,...,i h }
k m h }
and the tuple t 1 of terms (the variables
are terms as well) in
{ x i 1 ,...,x i h }∪ S ordered by their indexes from 1 to m .
Hence, this foreign key constraint can be given by the SOtgd
f r 2 ,j 1 ,...,f r 2 ,j m h
x 1 ,...,x n r 1 (x 1 ,...,x n )
r 2 ( t 1 ) ,
i.e., by
r 2 ( t 1 ) ,
where f 1 is the tuple of Skolem function symbols that appear in the tuple of
terms t 1 and x 1 is the tuple of variables (i.e., of attributes) of r 1 .
f 1
x 1 r 1 ( x 1 )
The mapping
is defined following the GAV approach: to each relation r of
the global schema
we associate a query ρ(r) over the source schema
assume that this query preserves the key constraint of r .
Thus, a map ρ(r)
r is a tgd
x (ρ(r)( x )
r( x )) , i.e.,
is a set of tgds.
For each relational symbol r of the global schema
, we may compute the rela-
G by evaluating the query ρ(r) over the source database D . The various
relations so obtained define what we call the retrieved global database ret(
,D) .
Notice that, since we assume that ρ(r) has been designed so as to resolve all key
conflicts regarding r , the retrieved global database satisfies all the key constraints
In our case, with the integrity constraints and with sound mapping , the semantics
of a data integration system
is specified in terms of a set of legal global instance-
databases, namely, those databases (they exits iff
is consistent w.r.t. D , i.e., iff
,D) does not violate any key constraint in
) that are supersets of the retrieved
global database ret(
,D) .
For a given retrieved global database ret(
,D) , we may inductively construct the
canonical database can(
,D) by starting from ret(
,D) and repeatedly applying
the following rule (FR) [ 2 ]:
if d i 1 ,...,d i h π K ( r 1 can( I ,D) ) and d i 1 ,...,d i h π K ( r 2 can( I ,D) ) ,where K =
i 1 ,...,i h is an ordered sequence of indexes in key(r 2 ) , K is the correspondent sequence
of the same attributes in r 1 , and the foreign key constraint π K (r 1 ) π K (r 2 ) is in Σ T G ,
then insert in r 2 can( I ,D) the tuple t = d 1 ,...,d ar(r 2 ) such that
π K ( { t } ) = d i 1 ,...,d i h ,and
for each i such that 1 i ar(r 2 ) and i not in K , π i ( { t } ) = f r 2 ,i (d i 1 ,...,d i h ) ,where π i
is the i th projection.
Notice that the this rule (FR) does enforce the satisfaction of the foreign key con-
straint π K (r 1 )
π K (r 2 ) by adding a suitable tuple in r 2 : the key of the new tuple
is determined by the values in π K (r 1 ) , and the values of the non-key attributes are
provided by means of the Skolem function symbols f r 2 ,i .
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