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(T 0 ,T 1 )
Proposition 9
DB defines the
monad (T,η,μ) and the comonad (T,η C C ) in DB such that η
Power-view endofunctor T
: T I DB are two natural isomorphisms , while μ : TT
and η C
−→ T and μ C
TT are equal to the natural identity transformation id T :
T ( from the
idempotence , T
TT ).
Proof It is easy to verify that all commutative diagrams of the monad ( μ A
μ TA =
μ A
A ) and of the comonad are diagrams com-
posed of the identity arrows. Notice that by duality (in Sect. 3.2.2 ) η TA =
A , μ A
η TA =
id TA =
μ A
A =
μ OP
The notion of a monad is one of the most general mathematical notions. For
instance, every algebraic theory, that is, every set of operations satisfying equational
laws, can be seen as a monad (which is also a monoid in a category of endofunctors
of a given category: the “operation” μ being the associative multiplication of this
monoid and η its unit). Thus monoid laws of the monad do subsume all possible
algebraic laws.
We will use monads [ 8 , 10 , 11 ] to provide denotational semantics to database
mappings , and more specifically as a way of modeling computational/collection
types [ 4 , 16 - 18 ]. In order to interpret a database mappings (morphisms) in the cat-
egory DB , we distinguish the object A (a database instance of type
) from the
object TA of observations (computations of type
without side-effects) and take
as a denotation of (view) mappings the elements of TA (which are the views of type
In particular, we identify A with the object of values (of type
) and we obtain
the object of observations by applying the unary type-constructor T (power-view
operator) to A .
It is well known that each endofunctor defines the algebras and coalgebras, rep-
resented by the left and right commutative diagrams:
We will use the following well-known definitions in the category theory (we recall
that the set of all arrows in a category C from A to B is denoted by C (A,B) ):
Definition 24 The categories CT alg of T -algebras and CT coalg of T -coalgebras,
derived from the endofunctor T , are defined [ 1 ] as follows:
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