Database Reference
In-Depth Information
}: A A
is obtained from the schema mapping
is a simple atomic mapping as well. All other atomic sketch's mappings in Defi-
nition 17 are obtained from the atomic schema mappings. For complex
M A A ={∀
x (q( x )
r q ( x ))
sketch's schema mappings it holds from point 5 in Definition 15 .
Let us show the following important property for a schema database mapping
system represented by a graph G
(V G ,E G ) in Definition 14 :
Proposition 4
For a given non-empty schema database mapping system specified
by a graph G
(V G ,E G ) ( Definition 14 ), for each graph edge
E G , the
M AB ) in the sketch category Sch (G) is an atomic map-
morphism MakeOperads(
ping .
Proof From Definition 14 , each edge in a schema mapping graph G is obtained by
the set of tgds or by the set of egds, so that by MakeOperads algorithm applied to
such an edge we obtain an atomic view-mapping or an atomic integrity-constraint
mapping in Definition 17 .
Notice that in the sketch categories we introduce the schema-separation compo-
-atomic sketch's schema mappings in Definition 15 between
composed database schemas. As usual in the category theory (sketches are small
categories), the composition of
and the
- atomic sketch's schema mappings can generate
any kind of
-complex sketch's schema mappings as explained in Definition 15 and
will be presented by more details in the next section.
DB (Database) Category
Based on an observational point of view for relational databases and on the theory of
R-algebras for mapping-operads, presented in Sect. 2.4 , Definition 11 , we are able
to introduce a category DB [ 14 ] for instance-databases and view-based mappings
between them, with the set of its objects Ob DB and the set of its morphisms Mor DB .
For the instance-database mappings, in Sect. 2.4.1 and Definition 10 , we con-
sidered the R-algebras that transform the set of schema-mapping operad's opera-
tions M AB =
M AB )
q 1 ,...,q k , 1 r }
, of a given schema mapping
, into the set of functions α ( M AB ) ={ α(q 1 ),...,α(q k ),q }
M AB : A B
. Con-
sequently, each morphism in the base denotational DB category has to be a set of
functions from an instance-database A into an instance-database B (of schemas
, respectively).
However, we need to characterize such an instance-mapping morphism also by its
information flux (introduced in Definition 13 ) corresponding to this set of functions
obtained from a mapping-interpretation α (in Definition 11 ) of operad's operations
q i above.
In order to facilitate the presentation of the properties of this category, we will
begin with simple objects and simple arrows, and then extend all to complex objects
and complex arrows. In this section, we will establish the principal properties for the
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