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“unexpected”. However, scientific analysis is to be based on reliable data and
proactive explanations.
Worst-case scenarios are better prepared by the off-site independent experts who
have time to think and are calm enough to get a holistic view. They can examine
potential interactions between risks, nonlinear responses and feedbacks, common
mode failures, and response strategies during extreme events. If in situ data are
prepared for open access, we can expect more useful contributions.
8.5 Preparation for “Beyond Fukushima”
Our history to utilize nuclear energy is relatively short, and we need to reevaluate
the nuclear technology intensively from scratch. After a short excerpt in 1939
¨ ber den Nachweis und das Verhalten der bei der Bestrahlung des Urans mittels
Neutronen entstehenden Erdalkalimetalle” by Otto Hahn and Frits Strassmann, the
era of “nuclear” has evolved making not only good stories but also bad stories.
Japanese network of power systems has been developed by introducing nuclear
reactors and created a culture of large socio-technical systems and an engine to
develop an advanced industrialized society of Japan. We have pursued, in general, a
strategy of building larger, more efficient, centralized powerful systems of a
minimum redundancy in our modernized society. This Japanese society design
had been regarded as exemplars before 3.11 of 2011, but it should be reevaluated
at the triple loop learning by Japanese society.
We have been learning many lessons from this accident. Through such trial and
errors, decontamination and decommissioning technologies are under develop-
ments by getting big intellectual supports from the world. A snapshot of working
platform toward this direction is shown in Fig. 8.3 . Human dimensions can be
crystallized in accordance with the growth of debategraphs of different views
guided by an ontology as visualized by colors and arrows.
“Processes are started whose outcome is unpredictable, so that uncertainty rather
than frailty becomes the decisive character of human affairs” Hannah Arendt said.
To deal with risks, uncertainties, ambiguities, ignorance indeterminacy due to
nuclear accidents and climate changes, transparency and data sharing between
industry, government, academia, and nongovernmental stakeholders are the keys
for productive discussions, which will help in the long run to prevent future
catastrophe. It will evoke something productive through international collabora-
tions as described above at different loops, namely, science intensive convergence
at the single loop, engineering intensive convergence at the double loop and
humanities intensive conversion at the triple loop.
In case of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accidents, cognitive gaps in evolving
features of science and engineering, and locked-in explanations on technologies
mattered, which evokes serious needs to carry out reengineering of complicated
engineering products after the traceability of associated data and models, and
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