Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Fig. 4. Expression of pacemaker and Ca 2+ channels in CMG cells. a The regenerated cardio-
myocytes expressed HCN4 and HCN2 from 2 to 6 weeks after differentiation, respectively. b
RT-PCR demonstrated that the Į1 subunit of the cardiac L-type Ca 2+ channel (Ca v 1.2) was ex-
pressed from 2 weeks after differentiation. c Treatment with verapamil decreased the beating
rate of the bone marrow-derived cardiomyocytes, and the duration and plateau of the action
potential shortened.
was performed on the transverse section of the transplanted heart at the midventricu-
lar level. The LacZ-stained transplanted cells were clearly distinguishable from the
recipient cardiomyocytes, and were distributed as if they were patchwork into the
surrounding tissue (Fig. 8f). Transverse and longitudinal sections of the transplanted
cardiomyocytes at higher magnifications are shown in Fig. 8g, h. The transplanted
cells were arranged in parallel with the recipient cardiomyocytes.
Triple-immunostaining for GFP, Toto3 (nucleus), and connexin43 is shown in Fig.
8i, j. Connexin43 was clearly observed between the transplanted regenerated cardio-
myocytes and the adjacent recipient cardiomyocytes. These findings indicated that the
transplanted regenerated cardiomyocytes made gap junctions with the surrounding
recipient cardiomyocytes, and resided stably in the heart for a long periods.
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