Geoscience Reference
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Shogren, J.F., G.M. Parkhurst, and P. Banerjee. 2010. Two cheers and a qualm for behav-
ioral environmental economics. Environ. Resour. Econ. 46(2):235-247.
Teichman, K., and P. Anastas. 2011. Science for EPA's Future: Innovative Thinking,
Creative Solutions. Presentation at the Second Meeting on Science for EPA's Fu-
ture, June 17, 2011, Washington, DC.
The Bipartisan Policy Center. 2009. Improving the Use of Science in Regulatory Policy.
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The White House. 2009. Scientific Integrity. Memorandum for the Heads of Executive
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Wagner, W.E 2003. The “bad science” fiction: Reclaiming the debate over the role of sci-
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Wagner, W., and D. Michaels. 2004. Equal treatment for regulatory science: Extending
the controls governing the quality of public research to private research. Am. J.
Law Med. 30(2-4):119-154.
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