Database Reference
In-Depth Information
How to do it...
1. Launch MSSMS using an account with access to the Configuration Manager data-
base. Under Object Explorer , click on Connect and select Database Engine... , as
shown in the following screenshot:
2. Type the SCCM database server name in the Server name: field and click on Con-
nect .
3. Expand Databases , expand the CM_<Site Code> database (in this case
CM_S01 ), right-click on Views , and click on New View , as shown in the follow-
ing screenshot:
4. Select the Views tab in the Add Table dialogue box. Scroll and select
v_R_System , and click on Add .
5. Go to v_GS_OPERATING_SYSTEM | Add | Close .
6. Left-click and hold the ResourceID field of the V_R_System view. Drag the
mouse to the ResourceID field of the V_GS_OPERATING_SYSTEM view. The
result of this action should be as illustrated in the following screenshot:
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