Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Power BI for Office 365 eliminates the cost of setting up an environment, and provides a
complete Power BI service that is ready to be consumed. IT administrators can use the
Power BI Admin Center to configure the BI infrastructure on the cloud. You can configure
and manage role-based access to this cloud service and the data sources available for con-
nected users. Data Management Gateway is the connection between the cloud and on-
premise data sources. The exposed data from on-premise sources acts as feeds that can be
consumed by Power Query for Excel. Shared data source usage is monitored, and this us-
age information is stored in the Power BI admin site.
Data queries or visualizations created with Excel add-ins can be shared across the organiz-
ation through the Power BI (SharePoint) site. Power BI site allow users to upload the
query reports they create and share these with anyone from their organization. Functional-
ity in the Power BI site can be configured to make it easier for users consuming data and
insights. The Q&A functionality in the Power BI site interprets your question and imme-
diately serves the correct answer in the form of an interactive chart or graph. Q&A an-
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