Database Reference
In-Depth Information
◦ Power Query merges can bring data from different sources into one data
3. Click on the Data View icon and then on a location in the calculation fields:
◦ Click on the formula field to create your calculation
◦ The calculation definition format is <Calculation name>:=<DAX
◦ Type MinSampleCalc:=MIN([SampleValue]) in the formula
4. Click on the Validate ( ) icon to the left-hand side of the formula field.
5. Click on the Design tab and then on the Add icon.
6. Type =DAY([TimeSampled]) in the formula field.
7. Click on the Validate ( ) icon to the left-hand side of the formula field. A new
column, called CalculatedColumn1 , is created. Right-click on the new
column, select Rename Column , and change the name to Day .
8. In the Design tab, click on the Add icon.
9. Type =Month([TimeSampled]) in the formula field.
10. Click on the Validate ( ) icon to the left-hand side of the formula field. A new
column, called CalculatedColumn1 , is created. Right-click on the new
column, select Rename Column , and change the name to Month .
11. Click on the Home tab and then on the MinSampleCalc: cell in the calculated
fields' area.
12. Click on the Create KPI button and click on Absolute value: . Ensure that the de-
fault value is 100 :
◦ To create KPIs, you need to have calculation fields in the data model.
This is because KPIs are based on calculations that are defined in the data
model, not on raw data columns.
◦ We will use the MinSampleCalc calculation field, which was created
in the previous recipe. The KPI base field will be MinSampleCalc .
◦ You can move the sliders in the middle of the page to the desired values.
For this example, 40 percent of logical free space is in red, and
everything above 60 percent is in green. The percentage between 40 and
60 percent is marked yellow.
◦ Different icon styles are available for showing the KPI status.
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