Database Reference
In-Depth Information
5. From the Access a Microsoft SQL Database page, select the authentication pref-
erence and click on Save . If prompted for Encryption Support , click on OK .
The Data Source navigation pane is displayed on the right-hand side of your Ex-
cel worksheet after the successful connection to the data source.
6. Under the Navigator , check Select multiple items and select the following views
from DWDataMart : DisplayStringDimVW , IncidentDimvw , Incid-
entStatusDurationFactvw , and IncidentTierQueueDurationFactvw , as shown
in the following screenshot:
7. Click on the little arrow next to the Load button at the bottom-left corner of the
Navigator pane, and select Load To… .
8. In the Load To page, select Only Create Connection and ensure that Add this
data to the Data Model is selected. Then, click on Load .
There is no need to load the complete dataset in your Excel sheet when creating
the query.
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