Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Although Microsoft has promised a fix that will resolve this issue, this fix is not yet avail-
able at the time of writing this topic.
Perform the following steps:
1. On the Service Manager Management server, start Service Manager Shell as an
2. Change to the Chargeback folder in the Service Manager installation directory.
3. Run the ImportToSM.ps1 script.
To enable PowerShell to execute scripts, run the Set-ExecutionPolicy -
force RemoteSigned command.
4. When prompted for omServer , specify the FQDN of the Operations Manager
5. When prompted for omUsername , specify a user account with administrative ac-
cess to Operations Manager.
6. When prompted for omPassword , specify the password of the user.
7. When prompted for smUsername , specify a user account with administrative ac-
cess to Service Manager.
8. When prompted for smPassword , specify the password of the user.
9. Wait for the script to complete.
Configuring the SCOM Connector
We are now creating a SCOM Configuration Item Connector to import data from Opera-
tions Manager to Service Manager.
If you have already configured an Operations Manager CI Connector, then open the prop-
erties of the connector, go to Management Packs , click on Refresh , and make sure that
the Microsoft.SystemCenter.VirtualMachineManager.2012.Discovery and the Mi-
crosoft.SystemCenter.VirtualMachineManager.Pro.2008.Library management packs
are selected. You can then skip the following instructions after refreshing and selecting the
preceding management packs in an environment where the SCOM CI connector is already
Perform the following steps:
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