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Creating the Events Last 30 Days report
We will now create a report that lists all the events of the last 30 days using the data from
the Operations Manager data warehouse. We will allow the report consumer to specify an
event level using a report parameter. The available values for the event level will be re-
trieved from the shared dataset created earlier in this recipe. Perform the following steps:
1. Start Report Builder.
2. Under New Report , select Blank Report .
3. Right-click on Data Sources and click on Add Data Source… .
4. Enter OperationsManagerDW as the name.
5. Select Use a shared connection or report model and select the Operation-
sManagerDW data source from the list of available data sources. If the data
source is not displayed, click on Browse… and browse to the location where the
data source is stored in SQL Server Reporting Services.
6. Click on Test Connection and on success click on OK .
7. Right-click on Datasets and click on Add Dataset… .
8. Enter DSEvents as the name and select the Use a dataset embedded in my re-
port option.
9. Select the OperationsManagerDW data source, select the Text query type,
and type the following query. Then, click on OK .
Event.vEvent E
LEFT OUTER JOIN vEventLoggingComputer ELc ON
E.LoggingComputerRowId =
LEFT OUTER JOIN vEventPublisher EPu ON
E.EventPublisherRowId = EPu.EventPublisherRowId
LEFT OUTER JOIN Event.vEventDetail ED ON
E.EventOriginId = ED.EventOriginId
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