Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Getting ready
We will use Report Builder 3.0 to create the reports in this recipe. You need to be familiar
with using Report Builder to manage reports. Using Report Builder is explained in Chapter
3 , Unpacking System Center Report Building Tools .
Work Item and Configuration Item data is stored in the Service Manager Data Warehouse
data mart database. It is recommended that you read the Understanding the Service Man-
ager Data Warehouse data mart recipe earlier in this chapter before following this recipe.
It is recommended that you store all your reports in a custom folder structure in SQL Serv-
er Reporting Services. Follow these steps to create a custom folder in the SQL Server Re-
porting Services used by Service Manager:
1. Open your web browser and navigate to http://[SCSMDWSQL]/Reports .
Replace [SCSMDWSQL] with the fully qualified domain name of the SQL server
that is used for reporting. If SQL Server Reporting Service is running as a named
instance, the syntax of the URL will be http://[SCSMDWSQL]/Re-
ports_[InstanceName] .
2. Click on the SystemCenter folder and then on the ServiceManager folder.
3. Click on New Folder , enter a name for the folder, such as Custom Reports ,
and optionally enter a description. Then, click on OK .
Note that the permissions applied to the newly created folder will be inherited from
the parent ServiceManager folder. You can break inheritance and apply custom
permissions to your folders if required.
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