Database Reference
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There is a special condition when dealing with the Service Manager DWDataMart data-
Creating custom database objects for reporting
Although the DWDataMart database ships with System Center Service Manager, its inten-
ded purpose is to act as the source for reporting; hence, you are allowed to create database
objects such as views, stored procedures, and user-defined functions to accommodate your
reporting needs.
Whenever possible, use stored procedures for your reports. Stored procedures have advant-
ages over views when it comes to optimizing the query and the ability to do complex quer-
ies that wouldn't be possible in views.
As a recommended practice, try to come up with a naming standard for all custom objects
that you create in the DWDataMart database. This allows you to distinguish them from
the out-of-the-box objects.
A sample naming standard would be [ObjectTypeAbbrevi-
ation]_[Company]_r_[Name] .
Some examples would be as follows:
usp_MyCompany_r_IncidentSLA for a user-defined stored procedure
udf_MyComany_r_GetStatusDisplayName for a user-defined function
uv_MyCompany_r_ListOfComputers for a user-defined view
It is recommended that you do not use white spaces in the name of database objects.
Database permissions required for reporting
During the installation of the Service Manager Data Warehouse management server, you
have to specify a reporting service account. The setup process automatically added this ac-
count as a SQL Server Login and added it as a member of the reportuser database role in
the DWDataMart database.
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