Database Reference
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ComputerDimvw co
LEFT OUTER JOIN ComputerHostsOperatingSystemFactvw coHos
co.ComputerDimKey = coHos.ComputerDimKey
OperatingSystemDimvw os
= os.OperatingSystemDimKey
co.IsDeleted = 0
Understanding outriggers
An outrigger is a list that can logically group together a set of values. Outriggers in the
data warehouse can target one or more class properties and consolidate them into a single
set of discrete values. These class properties are typically enumerations (aka lists in Ser-
vice Manager).
An example of an outrigger is the Status property of the Incident class. This prop-
erty is represented as a list in Service Manager.
If you execute the following query, you will notice that the values in the Status attribute
contain internal names only:
SELECT Id, Status FROM IncidentDimvw
In order to retrieve the actual string values for the status, you need to join the correspond-
ing view that represents the outrigger, which is IncidentStatusvw in this case. The
join needs to be established between the [DimensionAttrib-
uteName]_[OutriggerName]Id attribute of the dimension and the [Outrigger-
Name]Id attribute of the outrigger, as shown in the following screenshot:
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