Database Reference
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MEM.ManagedEntityRowId = @Object
AND MEM.MonitorRowId = @Monitor
Now, it's time to design our report by performing the following steps:
1. In Click to add title , type State changes for object/monitor .
2. Click on the Insert tab. Select Text Box . Draw a box below the title and type
Object as the text.
3. Click on the Insert tab. Select Text Box . Draw a box below the Object text box
and type Monitor as the text.
4. Go to Datasets | PSObjects , click on Name , and drag it to the space next to the
Object text box (a new box with <<Expr>> is placed in the report pane next to
the text box).
5. Go to Datasets | PSMonitors , click on Name , and drag it to the space next to the
Object text box (a new box with <<Expr>> is placed in the report pane next to
the text box).
6. Click on the Insert tab. Select Table . Then, select Insert Table . Draw a table be-
low the Monitor box.
7. Type Date Time , Old State , and New State , respectively, in the three
header cells.
8. In the table Data area, click on the Table icon and select the respective fields for
the headers using the DSState dataset.
9. You can apply formatting to the table and text boxes using the formatting control
tools (refer to the following screenshot for layout and design recommendations).
10. Use the Run button to test the layout and report. You will be presented with the
parameter selections first. When you complete the three-prompt selection options,
click on View Report (on the right-hand side of the screen).
11. Save the report with State changes for object and monitor as the
name in the Custom Reports folder.
12. When you run your reports, choose a type, and then a monitored object of this
type. Pick a monitor, and the report will show all state changes that the monitored
object went through.
When you run your reports, choose a type, and then a monitored object of this type. Pick a
monitor, and the report will show all state changes that the monitored object went through.
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