Database Reference
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Creating a shared data source
Before you can start authoring custom reports based on SQL Server Reporting Services, it
is recommended that you create a shared data source that you will use for all your reports.
It is recommended that you use the SCOM Data Reader account inside your data source, as
appropriate permissions have already been granted in SQL servers. Let's take a look at the
following steps that illustrate the process of creating a shared data source and the usage of
SCOM Data Reader:
1. Open your web browser and navigate to http://[SCOMRS]/Reports . Re-
place [SCOMRS] with the Fully Qualified Domain Name of the SQL Server Re-
porting Server used for SCOM. If SQL Server Reporting Service is running as a
named instance, the syntax of the URL will be http://[SCOMRS]/Re-
ports_[InstanceName] .
2. Click on New Data Source and complete the form as follows:
◦ Name: OperationsManagerDW
◦ Description: Optionally type a description
◦ Data source type: Microsoft SQL Server
◦ Connection String: data source=[SCOMSQL];initial cata-
log=OperationsManagerDW (replace [SCOMSQL] with the Fully
Qualified Domain Name of the SQL Server that hosts the Operation-
sManagerDW database)
Now perform the following steps:
1. Select Credentials stored securely in the report server .
2. Enter the username and password of the SCOM Data Reader account.
3. Select Use as Windows credentials when connecting to the data source .
3. Click on Test Connection to validate the connection.
4. Click on OK to save the new data source, as shown in the following screenshot:
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