Database Reference
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vManagedEntity ME
INNER JOIN vManagedEntityType MET ON
ME.ManagedEntityTypeRowId = MET.ManagedEntityTypeRowId
INNER JOIN vManagementPack MP ON
MET.ManagementPackRowId = MP.ManagementPackRowId
MP.ManagementPackSystemName = 'Microsoft.Windows.Library'
You can use the vRelationship view to retrieve group membership information for
managed entities. The vRelationship view contains SourceMan-
agedEntityRowId and TargetManagedEntityRowId ; both properties can be
used to join to the vManagedEntity view.
You can also use the vRelationshipType view and join it to the vRelationship
view on the RelationshipTypeRowId column to retrieve information about the type
of relationship between two managed entities.
In the following example, we will retrieve a list of all entity types that relate to an instance
of the Microsoft.Windows.Computer managed entity type. You can use the
sample query from the vManagedEntityType section earlier in this recipe to retrieve a list
of all the managed entities of the Microsoft.Windows.Computer type.
Pick any of these computers and replace the value for SourceManagedEntityRowId
in the following script with ManagedEntityRowId of a computer in your environ-
vRelationship R
INNER JOIN vRelationshipType RT ON
R.RelationshipTypeRowId = RT.RelationshipTypeRowId
INNER JOIN vManagedEntity ME ON
R.TargetManagedEntityRowId = ME.ManagedEntityRowId
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