Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Getting ready
Before you can work with Operations Manager reports, you must have already installed
Operations Manager Reporting Server. It can take between 20-30 minutes for the reports to
appear in the Reporting node in the Operations Manager Console after deploying the re-
porting server. You need to be a member of the Report Operator Users role in order to
browse the reports.
Creating a folder for custom reports
It is recommended that you store all your reports in a custom folder structure in SQL Serv-
er Reporting Services. Follow these steps to create a custom folder in the SQL Server Re-
porting Services used by Operations Manager:
1. Open your web browser and navigate to http://[SCOMRS]/Reports . Re-
place [SCOMRS] with the Fully Qualified Domain Name of the SQL Server Re-
porting Server used for SCOM. If SQL Server Reporting Service is running as a
named instance, the syntax of the URL will be http://[SCOMRS]/Re-
ports_[InstanceName] .
2. Click on New Folder , enter a name for the folder such as Custom Reports ,
and optionally enter a description. Click on OK .
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