Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
I discovered that crystallization is not an emotion but an action.
It is not a feeling; it is something you do.
Crystal Small-Heather
Crystalline dysfunction (CD) sometimes is referred to as
amorphous precipitation , which is very embarrassing and
a source of stress leading to heart attack. Among recent
expensive advances suppressing CD is high throughput
Jennifer Yeager
The Internet model of a crystal growth accepts only high throughput
and expensive crystallization trials but without rationality.
Amnesty Crystallization International
Crystallomic is all about giving you information that will help
you enjoy and live your crystal life to the fullest.
Crystal astrologist
Good crystallization practice (GCP) does not necessarily ensure
one gets the right crystal, but it reduces the chances of getting
the wrong ones.
Surveillance expert
If you have a problem getting or maintaining a crystal, you are
not alone. In fact, more than half of all crystal growers over forty
have such difficulties. This condition is called crystalline
dysfunction (CD), but there's a safe, effective and easy method
of treatment: high throughput crystallization.
CSO, Viagra Ltd.
Be engaged at least nine months before you get crystal.
Crystal grandma
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