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H. Michel, J. Deisenhofer and R. Huber received the Nobel Prize in
Chemistry in 1988 (Deisenftofer et al ., 1984).
In spite of this success, obtaining membrane protein crystals was still
a very difficult task. An illustration of this statement is the story of bacte-
riorhodopsin crystallization. Bacteriorhodopsin belongs to the family of
seven alpha-helical retinal proteins and plays an important role in the
bioenergetics of Halobacterim salinarum . Its chromophore retinal absorbs
a photon, isomerizes and triggers a sequence of further molecular events
leading to proton translocation against the electrochemical gradient of
membranes. Further, the energy of the gradient is used by another mem-
brane enzyme ATP synthase to catalyze the ADP-ATP reaction.
This protein is quite easy to solubilize and purify in large amounts,
and it was used as a major model system to study the molecular mecha-
nisms of proton transport (Landau, Rosenbusch, 1996). However, all
attempts to obtain crystals of the protein diffracting to high resolution
failed during a period of more than 20 years.
The success with bacteriorhodopsin (BR) crystallization came
unexpectedly. In 1996, Rosenbusch and Landau obtained high quality
BR crystals using a principally new approach: the protein was crystal-
lized in the lipidic cubic phase (Landau, Rosenbusch, 1996). The major
differences between the two approaches are illustrated in Fig. 2. A prin-
cipal feature of this novel method is that after solubilization the protein
Fig. 2. A schematic representation of an in meso approach to crystallization of mem-
brane protein: (1) solubilization and purification of proteins, (2) reconstitution of the
protein into a lipid bilayer, (3) initiation of crystal growth by direct addition of the precip-
itant to the lipid/protein phase, and (4) formation of crystals, usually of type I.
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