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Wakayama NI. (2003) Effects of a strong magnetic field on protein crys-
tal growth . Cryst Growth Design 3 : 17-24.
Wakayama NI. (2005) Damping of solute convection during crystal
growth by applying magnetic field gradients. Jpn J Appl Phys 44 :
Wakayama NI, Ataka M, Abe H. (1997) Effect of a magnetic field gradi-
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Yin D, Inatomi Y, Kuribayashi K. (2001) Study of lysozyme crystal
growth under a strong magnetic field using a Mach-Zehnder interfer-
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Yin DC, Inatomi Y, Wakayama NI, Huang WD, Kuribayashi K. (2002) An
investigation of magnetic field effect on lysozyme crystal dissolution
and related phenomena. Acta Crystallog D 58 : 2024-2030.
Yin DC, Oda Y, Wakayama NI, Ataka M. (2003a) New morphology,
symmetry, orientation and perfection of lysozyme crystals grown in a
magnetic field when paramagnetic salts (NiCl 2 , CoCl 2 and MnCl 2 ) are
used as crystallizing agents. J Cryst Growth 252 : 618-625.
Yin D-C, Wakayama NI, Wada H, Huang W-D. (2003b) Significant
effects of magnetic and gravitational fields on the morphology of pro-
tein crystals (orthorhombic lysozyme crystals grown using NiCl 2 as
crystallizing agent). J Phys Chem B 107 : 14140-14144.
Yin D-C, Wakayama NI, Harata K, Fujiwara M, Kiyoshi T, Wada H,
Niimura N, Arai S, Huang WD, Tanimoto Y. (2004) Formation of
protein crystals (orthorhombic lysozyme) in quasi-microgravity
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