Game Development Reference
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attr_reader :stats
def initialize ( name , object_pool)
# ...
@stats = Stats . new( name )
def on_damage (amount)
# ...
@stats . add_damage(amount)
That itch to extract a base class from PlayerInput and AiInput is getting stronger,
but we will have to resist the urge, for now.
Tracking Kills, Deaths and Damage
To begin tracking kills, we need to know whom does every bullet belong to. Bullet
already has source attribute, which contains the tank that fired it, there will be no trouble
to find out who was the shooter when bullet gets a direct hit. But how about explosions?
Bullets that hit the ground nearby a tank deals indirect damage from the explosion.
Solution is simple, we need to pass the source of the Bullet to the Explosion when
it's being initialized.
class Bullet < GameObject
# ...
def explode
Explosion . new(object_pool, @x , @y , @source )
# ...
# ...
Making Damage Personal
Now that we have the source of every Bullet and Explosion they trigger, we can
start passing the cause of damage to Health#inflict_damage and incrementing the
appropriate stats.
# 12-stats/entities/components/health.rb
class Health < Component
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