Game Development Reference
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49 end
51 def substate_expired?
52 now = Gosu . milliseconds
53 case @sub_state
54 when :waiting
55 true if now - @started_waiting > @will_wait_for
56 when :driving
57 true if now - @started_driving > @will_drive_for
58 else
59 true
60 end
61 end
63 def on_collision (with)
64 change = case rand ( 0. . 100 )
65 when 0. . 30
66 -90
67 when 30. . 60
68 90
69 when 60. . 70
70 135
71 when 80. . 90
72 -135
73 else
74 180
75 end
@object . physics . change_direction(
@object . direction + change)
78 end
79 end
Nothing extraordinary here, and we need a concrete implementation to get a feeling how
it would work, therefore let's examine TankRoamingState . It will be the default state
which tank would be in if there were no enemies around.
Tank Roaming State
1 class TankRoamingState < TankMotionState
2 def initialize (object, vision)
3 super
4 @object = object
5 @vision = vision
6 end
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