Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Make sure you spawn some AI controlled tanks in PlayState and try killing them now.
I bet they will eventually get you even while standing still. You can also make tanks spawn
below mouse cursor when you press T key:
class PlayState < GameState
# ...
def initialize
# ...
10. times do | i |
Tank . new( @object_pool , AiInput . new( @object_pool ))
# ...
def button_down ( id )
# ...
if id == Gosu :: KbT
t = Tank . new( @object_pool ,
AiInput . new( @object_pool ))
t . x, t . y = @camera . mouse_coords
# ...
# ...
Implementing Tank Motion States
This is the place where we will need Finite State Machine to get things right. We will
design it like this:
1. TankMotionFSM will decide which motion state tank should be in, considering
various parameters, e.g. existence of target or lack thereof, health, etc.
There will be TankMotionState base class that will offer common methods
like drive , wait and on_collision .
Concrete motion classes will implement update , change_direction and
other methods, that will fiddle with Tank#throttle_down and
Tank#direction to make it move and turn.
We will begin with TankMotionState :
1 class TankMotionState
2 def initialize (object, vision)
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