Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
# ...
And unless we want all stationary tanks face same direction, we will randomize it:
class Tank < GameObject
# ...
def initialize (object_pool, input)
# ...
@direction = rand ( 0. . 7 ) * 45
@gun_angle = rand ( 0. . 360 )
# ...
Fire up the game, and wander around frozen tanks. You can pass through them as if they
were ghosts, but we will fix that in a moment.
Brain dead enemies
Adding Bounding Boxes And Detecting Collisions
We want our collision detection to be pixel perfect, that means we need to have a bounding
box and check colisions against it. Get ready for some math!
First, we need to find a correct way to construct a bounding box. Tank has it's body image,
so let's see how it's boundaries look like. We will add some code to TankGraphics
component to see it:
class TankGraphics < Component
def draw (viewport)
# ...
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