Environmental Engineering Reference
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The established modelling domain is centred over Poland (52.00°N, 19.30°E)
and covers a part of Central-Eastern Europe (Fig. 1) on a grid with 120 × 109 points
and a 10 km resolution. The map projection is Lambert conformal. The domain
vertical profile contains 12 layers of varying thickness, extending up to 450 hPa.
The RegCM3 model of ICTP (International Centre for Theoretical Physics)
with Grell convective scheme and Fritsch and Chappell closure assumption was
applied. Beta version (RegCM3-β) developed for refined high resolution appli-
cations (Pal et al., 2007) was implemented. The air quality was simulated by the
Comprehensive air quality model with extensions CAMx (version 4.40) from
ENVIRON (http://www.camx.com).
The emission model EMIL (EMIssion modeL) was developed for Poland and
coupled with RegCM3-β and CAMx models. Based on detailed emission sources
inventory composed for reference year 2000 in 1 × 1 km resolution, meteoro-
logical data and terrain characteristics, the model generates PM 10 , PM 2.5 , SO 2 ,
NO x , NH 3 and NMVOC emissions from Large Combustion Plants (LCP) as well
as gridded area emissions with 10 km resolution. The data on population density,
sector-specific activity, fuel demand and characteristics as well as sector-dependent
Polish specific emission factors were gathered. For the quantification of NO x ,
NMVOC and PM emissions, the method proposed by Krüger et al. (2008) was
used. For temporal distribution of emissions the EMIL model applies sector-
specific monthly, daily and hourly emission factors.
Anthropogenic emissions for the parts of modelling domain not belonging to
Poland were calculated with the emission model based on the UNECE/EMEP
database for the year 2000, available in 50 km EMEP grid resolution. For every
emission sector data were distributed to 10 km Lambert grid resolution (see
Krüger et al., 2008 for details).
Two emission databases were prepared: (1) with all data introduced to CAMx
as gridded emissions, and (2) with separate introduction of elevated point emissions.
For the present study we applied the version 1 of the database (EMIL-v.1).
CAMx is coupled off-line to RegCM3-β with a FORTRAN-based code inter-
face, which calculates all the meteorological fields required by CAMx as well as
biogenic emissions. The boundary conditions (BC) were obtained from the results
of European simulations performed within the framework of the EU project
CECILIA (http://www.cecilia-eu.org): chemical BC - from 50 km RegCM3/
CAMx; meteorological BC - from 25 km RegCM3 driven by ECHAM5.
3. Results
3.1. Simulations for the 2000 year of reference
For validation purposes RegCM3-β/EMIL-v.1/CAMx system was run for the entire
2000 year using two different meteorological forcing to constrain RegCM3-β: the
ERA40 global atmospheric reanalysis dataset and the output from the ECHAM5
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