Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
4. Questions and Answers
Question: Is AQMEII solely focused on regional air quality models?
Answer: Initially yes, the focus will be on regional-scale models. Eventually the
program may broaden to multi-scale modeling, including regional-to-urban and
global-to-regional scale model domains.
Question: Is the participation in AQMEII closed?
Answer: No, the participation in AQMEII is not closed. In fact, we are encouraging
members of the air quality modeling and monitoring communities to participate
Question: Is the IPCC framework for model intercomparison and representation
of uncertainty one that our community should do more to emulate?
Answer: The IPCC has done an excellent job regarding global climate model
evaluation and intercomparison. We need to adapt some of the global modeling
community's evaluation techniques to our regional air quality models.
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