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bably due to the small spread in measurements during the month of October for
SO 2 . In January, a lot of SO 2 is emitted due to the heating of the houses, while this
is not the case in October. This is both seen in the measured concentrations and in
the modelled concentrations.
Furthermore, by using the vegetation maps of Fig. 1. we assess the effect on
ozone concentration levels in the city centre.
4. Conclusions
High-resolution emission maps were produced for the city of Shenyang by using
downscaling techniques employing spatial surrogate data (from 0.5° × 0.5° to
impact of urban vegetation abundance on air quality. For both periods, the results
of the AURORA model are in good agreement with the local measurements,
increasing our confidence in the E-MAP tool as well as in the results of AURORA.
However, the correlation between the observations and measurements of SO 2 for
October 2004 are low.
1 × 1 km resolution). Afterwards, the AURORA model is used to investigate the
Acknowledgments This research has been funded by the EU-FP6 project AMFIC. The ARPS
meteorological model was made available by the Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms at
the University of Oklahoma. We would also like to acknowledge the U.S. Geological Survey for
the GTOPO30 data set, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory for the SST imagery, VITO for the SPOT-
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